Un loc unde dau drumu la toate cidatzenile care le am in cap!!
marți, 14 august 2007
Captain Planet
Dat fiind ca suntem intr-o perioada in care poluarea a atins niste cote alarmante aduc in memorie un personaj ce a incercat sa indrepte anumite lucruri in urma cu ceva timp. Probabil momentan se afla blazat pe o insula din oceanul Pacific relaxandu-se la un mojito si recunoscand ca a luptat pt o cauza pierduta. Mai jos avem un exemplu al noilor activitatzi ale sale.
From the family tree of old school hip hop Kick off your shoes and relax your socks The rhymes will spread just like a pox Cause the music is live like an electric shock I am known to do the Wop Also known for the Flintstone Flop
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From the family tree of old school hip hop
Kick off your shoes and relax your socks
The rhymes will spread just like a pox
Cause the music is live like an electric shock
I am known to do the Wop
Also known for the Flintstone Flop
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